Development of personality
Students are more able to achieve their goals when they enjoy a state of emotional well-being.We strive so that students, as well as being well-educated at a cognitive level, are also good people, with a social conscience, who understand what is happening inside them, understand others and are able experience harmonious coexistence and the necessary emotional balance.
Therefore, in 2012 the Philia Project (Aula’s own project) was launched, which aims to promote the full development of the student’s personality by working on 5 sociopersonal skills:
- Emotional regulation
- Autonomy and iniciative
- Responsibility
- Cooperation
- Cognitive skills
The Philia project applies to students from 3 to 16 years old, culminates in baccalaureate through CAS projects (Creativity, Action and Service).
When we talk about Philia, we’re not referring to a specific subject in class, but a philosophy that we apply at all times during school life: during the time dedicated specifically to the project, in class through the contents taught, in tutorships, during solidarity campaigns, in the playground, in the dining area, or in the Aula Muntanya hiking group. That is, in every aspect of the students’ experience wih the school.
Aula Muntanya is much more than a group for excursions and exercise: it is an experience where, as well as gaining an awareness of the mountainside, students build values related to coexistence, the culture of hard work, overcoming challenges, self-knowledge and collaboration.